
JeAPRS - Java Enabled Amateur Packet Radio System

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JeAPRS Overview

Below is a picture of the Java application that I am working on for APRS.  This application will support mapping, but is not really focused on providing mapping as much as it is a tactical/information system.  There are many applications that I have thought of for APRS, and others have told me about, which are small in need, but putting together the core of an application with APRS support is always more effort than seems worthwhile.  This application infrastructure should make it much easier to create these kinds of small application a reality easily.

Shown below are some example types of displays that I am investigating.  This basic application will have the ability for people to point at Java Archives (JAR files) and have this application discover the modules that are present there, remember the jar file and modules, and make the modules available for use.  So, for different APRS applications, this application can serve as a basic container for the modules that are needed.

This is the central USA map showing the Oklahoma area.

This image shows the DOS mapping pane for the Tulsa Oklahome area in the USA.

This shows the Clients pane the shows some of the example tools/clients that I am creating to exercise the APIs as I put them together and to provide me some things to use on the I-Opener in my van.